
Monday, May 28, 2018

Five Days of Daisies, Day Five

Well, we've made it to Day Five of my Five Days of Daisies.  I've saved my favorite for last.  I love this one.

- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.

Fresh Florals and In Colors, Card Four ... and Card Five

Here we go with Card Four ... and Card Five.  It's time to share them all and then move on to even more fun.  Card Four is done with Fresh Fig CS and Card Five is done with Tranquil Tide CS.  Now that I've reviewed all of the five In Colors that will be around yet for one more year, I'm happy to keep them.  I will mourn the loss of Dapper Denim but, as usual, along will come another color to steal my heart.

Here is my Tranquil Tide version of my design.

Here are all the cards together:
- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Fresh Florals and In Colors, Card Three ... and ... Some Good News

Well, I'm back.  I didn't mean to be MIA for so long, but I freely admit that I am wiped out after my Physical Therapy each day.  I continue to progress ... SLOWLY ...but positively moving in the right direction.  I can't sit OR stand for very long at a time, so I ordered a cart (graciously put together by my husband and my son) to use as my temporary work station by my big chair.  I work on little projects there and am constantly rotating what is behind my stamping bar and what is on my cart.  It feels so good to complete some little projects.  And ... I have good news to share.  Yesterday, I graduated from a walker to just a cane.  Yay!!!  I'll still use the walker if I ever go out somewhere, but the cane is all I need at home now.
I hope you're getting the idea of how to design a card template and then make several cards, each one a slightly new variation on your original design.
As you can see, changing just the color story can make a huge difference on a card design.
- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Fresh Florals and In Colors, Card Two

Hello there!  I'm back to blogging, following my knee replacement surgery.  I'm doing intense physical therapy and trying to keep ahead of the pain.  So, let's celebrate my progress with a card in one of my super favorite colors --- Lemon Lime Twist.

- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.