
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What a Day!

Today was our first day of Convention.  My day started with getting up at what I thought was 5:00 AM but my phone had not changed to Mountain Time so it was really 4:00 AM.  Yikes!  I went back to bed when I realized the correct time was not what I'd thought, but it was pretty difficult to get back to sleep with my mind swimming with thoughts of shopping at Momento Mall, picking up my new Convention bag, seeing old and new friends, checking out the VIP treatment in store for us, seeing a few of the displays...  We have a lot more displays to check out tomorrow.  We got in line VERY early and waited until they opened the doors to the Convention Center.  Then we waited in line inside until Momento Mall opened.  The shopping was delicious!  We got some really cool new goodies!  Then, we picked up our awards at the Awards Booth.  This was really fun because Jenn and I had both won awards this year.  After that, we picked up our new bags -- gorgeous.  By this time, we could barely carry it all!  After lunch, we got a VIP tour of the home office and distribution center in Riverton.  It was heavenly, especially when we got to see Shelli's office.  When we got back, we got a special 'Meet & Greet' session with Shelli, photos taken and catalogs autographed.  Then, off to a quick dinner. After dinner, we went to the party and then headed back to the hotel.  The weather was looking threatening so we decided to skip our evening swim and work on some blogging.  All in all, a super fun and really exhausting day.  Check back tomorrow to hear more about our adventures at Convention.  Here are a few photos we took today.  I have more, believe me!

Getting ready to go in and start our first day's adventures.

Our awards!!!

Here we are taking a break in the VIP lounge.

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