
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Blessings

I feel so blessed to have my family all enjoy Christmas with us.  Once again, the grandchildren were a delight and we got to enjoy Olive Jane's very first Christmas with her!
As always, Toby Joe was involved with every activity.  He seems to just love babies, especially Olive Jane.  He kept reaching out his paw to 'pet' her:)
Olive Jane was quite fascinated with the tag on one of my gifts.
Olive Jane and Toby Joe enjoy some 'together' time.

Time with Papa includes playing with his reading glasses.

My boys in their Christmas jammies.  They love to clown for the camera.
They're getting so big!
Is this a proud daddy or what?!!!

Olive Jane actually enjoyed 2 days of celebration.  She fell asleep before we opened our presents, so she opened hers the next day.  She really enjoyed her new toy.
One happy family!

Benjamin enjoyed 'helping' Olive Jane open her presents.

Aaron had a silly moment while Uncle Mattie was trying to film some of the action.  He kept kissing him and then placed a bow on his head.  I don't know if Matt got any good filming done or not:)
I think Aaron enjoyed Olive's new toy a bit, too:)

Even Toby Joe wanted to hear this new Christmas storybook.  Benjamin can read so well; it's amazing.
We invited Bill's mom to join us for our family 'day after Christmas dinner' and I tried to get one shot of everyone before we ate.  You know how group photos go.  Ben didn't really feel like a photo moment; all the excitement is hard on kids, really.  I couldn't get to upset with him because I did the same thing when I was little.  At least 1 photo turned out pretty well.

This kind of speaks for all of us after all the celebration was over.  Time for a long winter's nap.  I hope you enjoyed my sharing my Christmas blessings with you.  Blessings to all of you as we prepare to start a new year.

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