
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Memories

Today, I thought I'd share with you some of my holiday decor.  I love decorating for the holidays and have LOTS of trees up in my home.

The children's tree.   This one has lots of ornaments I've made, lots of Sesame Street, Arthur, Grinch, Blue's Clues, Mickey Mouse, Give a Mouse a Cookie... and more.  It also has bells, wreaths and candles that my mother made.  I treasure these and enjoy sharing them with my grandbabies.  I suppose I should add Star Wars now, to keep up with the boys' interests, but I can't quite get to the point of putting Darth Vader on my tree.  My babies are growing up too fast.  My husband does have a little tabletop tree in his office with Star Trek ornaments.  I don't have a photo of that one.  He knows if I enter his domain because the ornaments start to talk:)

This is the larger tree in the living room, under which we'll place the gifts.  It's difficult to get a good shot of it.  Also, there's a wreath hanging in the window behind it that makes the top look a little strange.  This tree has a collection of all kinds of ornaments, all of which have special memories.  I've made some of them and many of the others were gifts or were obtained for special occasions.  I also have ornaments made by art students each year at Millikin University, where we did our undergraduate work.  My husband was in the choir there and we go to hear their Vespers concert this weekend -- a highlight of our Christmas celebration each year.

These alpine trees are grouped with my favorite little polar bear and his tree.  They are in a corner of the living room.  Each night during the Christmas season, I sit on the couch with only the Christmas lights on and enjoy the peaceful feeling they bring to me.

Here's a shot of them later at night... fun!

I even managed to squeeze a tiny tree into the corner in the kitchen.

This is the end of the room where I have my studio.  I can enjoy all these lights and decorations while I'm stamping.  You can see several of my framed projects here.

Here's a close-up of the little tree.  It has seashell garlands and sparkling shells and sea stars, along with one angel with a seashell.  I collected all these ornaments (a little each year) and the seashell garlands at a Christmas store in the Outer Banks.

...and back upstairs.  I decorated the railing of our floating staircase and the table by it with ornamental garlands.

I keep my Nativity scene on the china cabinet at the end of the living room.  Everyone can enjoy it but it won't get knocked over accidentally.

I've hung the stockings by the chimney with care:)  I made these last year.

Everyone has one of our Simply Adorned charms on their stocking.  I stamped the insides and labeled each one with the owner's name.  Here's mine:

...and here's Toby Joe's stocking.  He says he'd rather have treats than fancy decorations in his.

Here's the dining room, all ready to set the table for dinner.

I figured out this year (after living here 5 1/2 years!) how to easily place the garland on top of the corner china cabinets.  I just left it bundled up (folded in 1/2) from the packaging.  Now, it fits!

These are letters I decorated a while back.  They just fit on top of my printer's tray.   Right after I made my shell design, Pottery Barn came out with one of their own.  I'm glad they liked mine:)

By now, you must know how much I love the sea.  This Santa is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.  He's holding a 'sprig' of sea coral and carrying a basket full of shells.  His robe and garments are all fur and satin.  He's gorgeous.

Have a great day!

December 4 and counting...

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