
Monday, October 1, 2012

My Fall Studio

I love the Fall.  I love the sights, the sounds, the smells, the activities and, most of all, the beautiful colors.  As an artist, I love to study the colors in the leaves and I love to take long walks in search of color inspirations.  Here are 2 of my most favorite Fall cards for the season.  Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you more about them.
Here's a peek at what's going on in my studio this Fall.

As you can see, I've been pretty busy.  Here are some other shots of favorites I have on display right now.  If you know me, you know how much I love to go antiquing and hunt for little treasures to use in my creations.  Some of my favorite finds are old cookie cutters and biscuit cutters.  Since I'd rather stamp than cook, what better way to use them than to decorate them.

I have lots more to share with you, so come back again soon.  Have a great day.

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