
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Root Cellar

I've had so much fun getting my booth up and going at the Antiques and Artisans Mall at the Root Cellar.  If you haven't seen it yet, you need to go down to the Wildflour and check it out.  The whole place is amazing.  Stay for a bite to eat, because the food is amazing, too.

Right now, my booth is almost all Christmas, but that will be changing soon enough.  I'm trying really hard to adjust to the fact that Christmas is almost here!

As you can see, I have all sizes and shapes of goodies and lots of beautiful cards, not to mention 3-D items to decorate your home for Christmas or wrap up and give to someone special.

All these items aren't there any more.  They went to a new home to be wrapped for someone's Christmas, I imagine, but there are lots of wonderful things to see, for sure.  I'm already working on what I want to put in my booth for after Christmas.

After tonight, my classes are finished for 2012.  I'll have my new schedule for 2013 up and running soon.  I've sent out emails, asking for input for classes you'd like to see, so if you have questions, comments or suggestions, be sure to get them to me right away.  I value your input.

Need more help preparing projects on your 'to do' list?  Check here for super bargains!

I hope your Christmas preparations are going well.  Have a great day and a super weekend! 

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