
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!
Today's post is dedicated to mothers - those who have had a child, have a child or loved a child.  There are many kinds of mothers and they all touch our lives in many ways.  These are the women I think of and honor today.

My own mother
     My mother helped make me the person I am today.  I feel like my best qualities came from my parents - not just through genes, but by seeing the lives they lived.  They taught me how to live, how to love and even how to die --- all with dignity, a love of God and man, and a love and loyalty to family and friends.  My mother was the most gentle and loving person I have ever known.  I cannot remember a time she ever raised her voice to me.  She was an artist and loved to try as many forms of it as she possibly could do.  She could paint (oil paints), she could sew (absolutely anything), she could quilt, knit, crochet, needlepoint and cross-stitch, she could cook, she could garden, she could decorate our home (with love and beauty), she could pack and move (often) and start over many times while being a perfect wife to my father who was a Methodist minister.  She could do pretty much anything she put her mind to do.  She valued education and helped put my father through seminary and me through college.  She packed apples at an orchard to earn money to buy my father's pulpit robe.  I could go on and on, but you get the idea.  She left me all too early, after a long battle with cancer, and I miss her each and every day of my life.

My grandmothers
     It's easy to see where my parents got the values they had, when I think of my grandmothers.  They both could do most anything, too.  One died when I was only 5 years old and I still remember her beautiful snow-white hair and how she would sing and rock me, holding me in her arms.  My other grandmother lived to be 94 and lived a beautiful life.  I treasure all my childhood memories from times we visited her and all the times she came to stay for a visit with us.  She could do anything and taught me that I could, too.

My Mother-In-Law
     My MIL is 90 years young.  She works crossword puzzles - several a day - in ink.  She is an avid reader, has basic computer skills and does so many, many things that keep her young.  When I was fighting cancer, she encouraged me every day through kind words in emails.  She is an amazing woman.  She gave me my husband, the love of my life.

My daughter 
     I love seeing my daughter be the woman and mother she is today.  She has a loving family and she has given me my two wonderful grandsons.  She is like a sister, a best friend and a daughter.  I love her with all my heart.

My son's wife  
     Seeing my son and daughter-in-law together is a wonderful thing.  If I'd been assigned the task of choosing a wife for my son, I could not have made a better choice.  She has given me my first baby girl for a grandchild and their family is a true blessing to me - every day.  She is a wonderful wife, a wonderful mother and a beautiful person. 

My former neighbor 
     Our former neighbor was often like a mother to me and a grandmother to my children.  They even called her Grandma Ann.  She is a beautiful person and has a special place in our hearts.

My daughter's mother-in-law
     I must mention her because she shares my grandsons with me and she is a beautiful person.  She can make the best apple, pumpkin, pecan and cherry pies in the world and she is a wonderful grandmother to my boys.

My son's mother-in-law 
     I must mention her because I shared with her the love of my DIL (her first and only child) and our sweet Olive Jane.  We lost her all too soon.  I have promised myself that I will do all I can to keep her memory alive in Olive Jane's heart.  She loved her so very much.  She was also an awesome MIL to my son and so often said that she could not have chosen a better person for her daughter to marry.

My many friends
     I have many friends who may or may not have children of their own but have been an influence in one way or another to me or to my children.  I am blessed to have them in my life.

My grandsons' teachers
     Both my boys have the most amazing teachers.  They are dedicated, talented, loving and I love them for loving my boys.

I challenge you to take a moment today to think of and be thankful for  all those who have touched your life.

Today's photos are from my own yard, in early Spring.  Tomorrow, it's back to stamping!

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