
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dog Days of Summer, Part 3

Today's post continues my sharing of summer memories.  This is the next to the last post in my little 'mini series' and then you'll see how I used it all as color inspiration to guide my artistic creations.  Be sure to stay with me so you don't miss anything:)

When the boys and their family moved out in July, it was to a new home and a new pool.  I'm so happy for them.  I miss them bunches and am glad they are still close by to us.  It's a dream come true to have them living just a few minutes away.  I am blessed to be able to be an important part of their lives.  They bring constant joy, wonder, entertainment... We share many happy times together.

Today:  Pool Fun!!!
If these 2 shots don't say 'Dog Days of Summer' I don't know what would:)  He's one happy boy. 

It's amazing how much fun you can have with a pool noodle:)
Gotta love the goggles.
Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you continue to enjoy your Dog Days of Summer.  I have 1 more post to share with you on my summer memories and then I have something special to share that relates to all this --- color inspiration!!! 

- Click on the tab at the top of the page to see my class schedules and registration policies or click on the left for sneak peeks. 
- Come back soon and come back often for more creative inspiration.

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