Aaron kind of summed up his appreciation for the 'feast' by leaning back in his chair, slumping down, groaning and saying: "I'm going to die." Once he changed out of his good pants and into his loose sweat pants, he was fine and managed to go on to eat some pie. I'll share some photos later.
It is such a joy to be able to work on craft projects together with my grandchildren. I hope to include Olive Jane in more of our projects as she gets older. She's already into coloring and markers... big time!
Here's Aaron's Pilgrim costume from school.
I'll share more soon. Right now, I'm busy getting ready for my Open House this Sunday!
All those attending will get FREE SHIPPING on their orders!
Up Next:
Sunday, November 30
Holiday Open House and Christmas Boutique / 2:00-5:00
Come enjoy some great holiday fun!!!
We'll have refreshments, displays to dazzle and inspire you, gifts, prizes, Make and Takes... and just plain fun!!!
And... you can shop my Christmas Boutique for lots of fun gifts.
Stop in between 2:00 and 5:00 and jump into the holidays.
Here's what we'll be making.

- Thanks
for stopping by my little corner of the blogging world.
Click on the tab at the top of the page to see my class schedules and
registration policies or click on the left for sneak peeks.
- Come back soon
and come back often for more creative inspiration.