
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

You Make Me Smile Card / Giving Tuesday ....... A Day to Give Back

Today is a very special day for us.  It is Giving Tuesday.  Our church, as a United Methodist Church has many, very strong mission projects and reaches out to many people - all over the world.  Today, however, is a day when our church hosts an event that speaks to our part as Christians in our own community.
I am so proud of my daughter's vision and calling to initiate this event.  We started hosting the event 3 years ago and each year we've had more organizations participate than the year before.  They've raised thousands of dollars - to help those in our own community.  If you live in the area, I hope you'll go check it out.  If not, you can always find some way to give back to others.
The first year, I was babysitting a very tiny Joey and we put him in his stroller and went down to see what it was all about.  Wow!  It was crowded with lots of people seeking ways to help others.  Last year, I waited until school was out and we took all 3 boys down to the event.  They had earned odds and ends of money helping out around here, especially during the summer when they were here all day.  I took their 'money jar' and dumped it out into 2 piles.  I gave a pile to each of the 2 older boys and explained what we were going to do.  I told them that they were to go to each table and find out what each organization did, to help people in our community.  Once they'd been to all the tables, they could decide on their own just how they wanted to give their money.  They both decided to give 'some to each group' and that really touched me.  Even more touching was when Aaron kept going back to the Cancer Society table and giving them more until finally he'd given than all he had left.  He knows that I survived my battle with cancer, but many in our family did not.
I was also touched by how, at each table, the people were all so very nice and did such an expert job of explaining to my boys all about their work.  This really helped to make an impression on our boys about how we all can help others.
Since last year, after experiencing the whole event and after really being touched by a lesson in church about giving to others, Aaron went home that very Sunday and started his own 'money jar' to use just for this event.  He has such a big, caring heart!
Having emptied our money jar, we've since gone to a record keeping book, where I add earnings and their allowances.  I give them an allowance during the summer because they're here all day and do help out a lot.  I give extra when they go 'above and beyond' with their efforts to help and I have had to subtract a couple of times if homework wasn't done as well as needed.  All in all, they've piled up a fair bit of cash in what they call their 'money books' as well as adding a few pages of beautiful art work:)  I told them I didn't expect them to give it all today.  I suggested using a tithing idea where they'd give 10% and then they could decide if they wanted to go beyond that.  I'm so proud of them for what they're learning and what they're doing.  Aaron has the most money and he fluctuates from day to day from giving different dollar amounts.  Like I said, he has a big, caring heart.
Last year, the Salvation Army director pulled me aside and commended me on what valuable lessons I was teaching the boys.  That touched my heart.  I feel very strongly about teaching my grandchildren values.  I want them to grow up to be strong and caring people.  Aaron wanted to give all his money to the 'cancer people' this year but I said I hoped he'd keep the Salvation Army people in mind, too.  There are so many fine organizations in our community.  It would be a very different place if we didn't have all these groups reaching out and helping others.
OK, so that was a long, long post, but I think it was important to say it.  As Christians, we cannot go around wearing blinders, helping only our church denomination's sponsored missions and events.  As Christians, we need to step up and help others our community.  After all, we are all children of God.
I'll climb down off my soap box now.  I just wish that I could go to the event today, but am physically unable to do so.  I will be sending Bill with the 2 older boys and look forward to hearing all about their activities.  God bless all those who reach out and help others.
And now, I'll share a card with you that is very fitting with this post.

The Latest Scoop:

December 11 -- Scraps and Prayers Class:
     5:30-7:30 / $15.00 / Christmas Cards and Tags
It's going to be a party atmosphere at our last class for 2017.  I've even been working on a hand made present for you!  The class is filling up fast, so be sure to reserve your spot right away!

I'm nearly finished with next year's tentative classes and events planning, so you'll see news of all that very soon.

- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.


  1. How precious. I love your story. My daughter is teaching those principles to her children, following what she was taught. It's a wonderful circle of giving that starts over again and again. God bless you and your family. Oh, and I love the card too!

  2. Dianne, thank you so much for your kind comments. I love hearing from my readers and I'm glad you love the card. Fall and Christmas cards are my absolute favorites to create. God bless you and yours, too!
