
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

New Updates on Free Brusho Class

It's time for an update on how you can qualify for a free Brusho class.  This is going to be soooooo much fun! But first...

Happy 4th!!  God bless America and God bless you.
By the way, the bursts of color could be created, with a little creative play, with Brusho or inks.  Sometimes, it's fun to have a creative session of just playing and experimenting with color.

Now, on to our Brusho!!!  Oh the fun we'll have!  We'll be working on a swatch book, so you can remember and use all the techniques I'll be presenting in class, including fixing our new Brusho pots so they're ready for action.  If time, we'll make a couple of cards, too.  You'll go home with some fun ... and useful ... goodies!
Here's what you'll need to purchase to earn this free class:
That's 4 items:
- Brusho
- the Stamp Set
- the Aqua Painters
- a package of watercolor paper 

I hope you'll join us for one of the most fun classes I hope to ever teach.  Yes!  It's that good:)

Saturday, Sept. 29 / 1:00-4:00
Saturday, Oct. 27 / 1:00-4:00
Free for Qualifying Customers

- Thanks for stopping by my corner of the blogging world.
- Come back often for more creative inspiration.
- Let's create something beautiful today.

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