
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Daisy Pop-Up Birthday Card

I have a daisy pop-up card for you today. I love daisies and this pop-up starts out with an easily folded square.

Let's take a look at the inside.   I left one little text square empty so you can write a fun little message on it.

The pop-up is created using the same premise as for a squash book, except that you only need one for a card (three for a squash book).  Choose the size of your square based on the size of your card.  You don't want the top or bottom points to hang out of your card.
To turn your square into a  'pop-up' you only need a simple bit of scoring.  Score half-way in each direction to turn your square into four sections.  You could also fold it in half both ways, carefully lining up the edges and corners.  I prefer to score, to get cleaner lines.  Once you've done that, score in half diagonally ONE time.  Using my photo as your diagram, you can easily fold it so it pops up. 

Here are some quick shots I took to show the folding.  I used a larger square so you could see it really well.
Fold in half this way.  
Fold in half this way.
Flip paper inside out and fold diagonally (corner to corner) in just one direction.
It will now pop up like this.
Here it is ready to attach the outside squares to the inside of your card.
Here, just for fun, I've attached 3 pop-ups together to make a mini squash book or small squash book style card.
Give it a try.  It's fun.  Once it is folded, it retains the memory of which way to open and close.


- My next class will be (in person) July 12 / pay to register by July 5 / $20.00 

Come back soon for more creative inspiration!


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